Here is a rundown on how I conclude GLBT people and eunuchs in the Scriptures are one and the same. I had no "proof" we were until I discovered what the Apostle Paul had said to us about it in 1 Corinthians, Chapter 7.
It basically it comes to us by logical deduction. If we look at Isaiah 56:1-8 , we see that God is prophesying that His House will (future tense) become a House of Prayer for all people, possible only through the shed blood of Jesus Christ for the remission of *all* people's sins. Aside from many other ways to understand "what a eunuch is", it is as easy to answer the question "what is the church not"? It is *not* a House of Prayer for all people, at least not yet. The only group of people the Church excludes nowadays are GLBT people. If we look at whom the Church was exluding back then (eunuchs), and who the Church is excluding nowadays (GLBT Believers), we begin to see really clearly that God is talking about one and the same. Therefore, I deduce that we are eunuchs, (by birth, by conditions placed on us by other men, and/or by choosing to be).....simply because we are *not* included in church today.
Couple that with all that appear to be "remedies" for this exclusionary practice, the "cause" for it, and the "people responsible for it", and we build a case that seems Scripturally solid enough to count on as a "logically deduced conclusion". Finally, in Deuteronomy 23:1 (KJV) (King James Version), where Moses bans the eunuchs, it is the only time in Scriptures that the word "eunuch" is clarified as meaning, "He who is wounded in the testicles, or has his privy part cut off". This means that the *only* people Moses really "banned" from church were those not physically intact and able to produce children, hence making them incapable of reproduction, hence making them ill suited to growing the new Jewish faith. But in true exclusionary fashion, people began to assume that Moses had banned all GLBT Believers from the Congregation.But in Isaiah 56:1-5 , we see God Himself begin to enlarge the definition of "eunuch" as "sons and daughters", indicating for the first time in Scripture that eunuchs can also be female (lesbian, bisexual, barren, and/or widowed women) (see Isaiah 54:1-6 ).
Then, in Matthew 19:12 we see Jesus begin to enlarge what the term "eunuch" meant even more in relation to Isaiah's prophecy, and for the first time in Scripture, enlarges the definition to include "those born eunuchs", and "those who choose to be eunuchs for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven". Also, it is important to realize that the term "eunuch" is really only truly defined as "incapable of heterosexual marriage". If we were to substitute the word "eunuch" with "incapable of heterosexual marriage", we finally have a fool proof definition that accurately translates the word "eunuch" everytime it is listed in the Scriptures. No other definition qualifies, except "incapable of heterosexual marriage."
I am now confident that we are able to ascertain and discern with the clarity of God's Word that eunuchs, made both male and female, are absolutely the same as GLBT Believers today. Finally, I absolutely see how eunuchs are a euphymism that (as drago points out) is large enough to include "GLBTIPQQAAA - gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex, pansexual, queer, questioning, androgynous, asexual, and allied" Believers, especially when viewing and studying Scripture.